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For INTECH, an operating license brings accountabilities against the provincial denizens, so that they ameliorate directly from our companionship.


Social outreach is an integral part of Intech’s approach to conducting Business. We focus on sustainable development. Wherever we operate, every effort is made to improve quality of life while preserving traditional cultures and values.


Because our people are our most precious asset, occupational safety and health are our first consideration at all time.

To ensure compliance with our health and safety policy we;

  • Have in place a Health and Safety Management System in compliance with all relevant regulatory requirements and with the industry standards
  • Ensure that this Management System is understood and applied at all levels within the company
  • Ensure that all employees and contractor’s personnel are competent to undertake their work safely
  • Emphasise Health and Safety concerns both on and off the work site
  • Assess the consequences of all our activities on health and safety and put in place appropriate control measures
  • Maintain the physical integrity of our facilities to prevent accidents
  • Set annual performance targets supported by action plans
  • Maintain current health and safety emergency plans
  • Undertake regular health and safety emergency drills and exercises to test our capability to respond quickly and effectively to any emergency
  • Report and investigate all health and safety incidents and take appropriate measures in order to prevent their recurrence
  • Perform regular audits of all our activities, using the results to drive performance improvements.


All of our employees are expected to conduct their activities for INTECH fairly and ethically, in such a way that it enhances our reputation.

Our Goals are to promote and maintain honesty, integrity, and high ethical standards and to prevent financial and reputational damage to INTECH and its staff.

To ensure compliance with our Business code of conduct Policy we:

  • Comply with all laws governing INTECH and its operations as well as INTECH’s internal policies including those on Health & Safety, Environment, Security and Social Responsibilities
  • Treat all staff, business partners and local communities fairly and with respect
  • Ensure we avoid making any illegal payments including to customers, agents, and host governments
  • Avoid all conflicts of interest including any transactions which could be perceived as conflicts of interest
  • Ensure all INTECH documentation, including financial accounts and records, are accurate, complete, and truthful
  • Maintain the confidentiality of commercially sensitive information
  • Compete fairly
  • Report all violations and concerns in a spirit of openness and transparency
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Policy Document

نموذج الاستفسار


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